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Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

- Hazard Awareness


We've put together a small quiz to test your knowledge about electric vehicles and the related hazards.

To begin the quiz please click on the image below:

recharging point
What affect do petrol and diesel engines have on the environment? Click on the correct statement
By what name are traditionally powered vehicles, equipped with a start-stop system, sometimes also known?
Which vehicle uses a high-voltage battery?
Which of the following vehicles produces zero emissions?
Which vehicle has the smallest number of principle components?
What is meant by the term regeneration?
How can you identify a high-voltage cable?
What makes the risk of an electric shock from a high-voltage battery possibly more dangerous than that from an AC circuit?
What voltage is likely to be available from the battery of an electric vehicle or hybrid?
What should be done when working on a vehicle in the workshop?
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